



Israel and Russia barred as world's largest arms show opens in Paris

France, June 17 -- Representatives from some 2,000 companies will this week evaluate the latest defence technologies at France's Eurosatory weapons show in northern Paris. Notably absent this year are... Read More

Are EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles a sign of weakness?

France, June 15 -- The European Commission is this week expected to disclose the tariffs it plans to slap on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) over what it says are excessive subsidies- a move likely to... Read More

Facing Chinese competition, Europe struggles to hold its position in Africa

France, May 31 -- Over the past 10 years, Chinese development funds have played an "absolutely essential role" in helping a number of African countries close the gaping infrastructure gap, says Eric O... Read More

France urges coordination with China on Ukraine, trade at Paris summit

France, May 6 -- Opening an initial trilateral meeting attended by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, Macron said coordination with Beijing on "major crises" including Ukraine was "ab... Read More

Japanese PM sets off on six-day trip to France and Latin America

France, May 1 -- The six-day itinerary will see Kishida meet French President Emmanuel Macron as well as Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. In December Macron and Kishida adopted a "common r... Read More

Armenian genocide remembered as Assyrians fight for acknowledgement of their plight

France, April 24 -- "A lady, a relative of mine, escaped with her two daughters. Soon after, they were recaptured, and the two girls were carried away to slavery. Their mother died," writes Yonan Shah... Read More

Who gets to be remembered under France's contentious 'memory laws'?

France, April 23 -- "Memory laws are about recognition," says Christophe Premat, a former MP for the French Socialist Party and now an expert in memory studies at Stockholm University. Under a 2019 F... Read More

Brussels aims to remove Chinese energy giants from the EU market

France, April 12 -- Beijing said Wednesday it was "highly concerned" over a European Union probe into Chinese wind turbine suppliers. The probe is just the latest move by Brussels targeting the count... Read More

NATO ministers meet to discuss €100bn military fund for Ukraine

France, April 3 -- NATO foreign ministers are on Wednesday meeting in Brussels amid increased worry about the ongoing war in Ukraine.They're expected to discuss a proposal to create a €100 billi... Read More